CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
Here you can find information about our different programmes as well as the timeline for application, our invoice scheduling and our cancelation policy.
A little reminder…
CISV is a volunteer-led organisation. At the core of our work lies the values of respect, solidary and generous exchange.
CISV London receives invitations to camps because we host every year. As a result, it is critical that our community supports our hosting activity. Our ability to host determines the invitations we will receive in the following years. However, we don’t have control over the invitations we receive from the other CISV chapters and cannot therefore, anticipate in which countries or at which dates our young people will have the chance to go and experience CISV.
Children and young people are selected during the winter mini-camp and delegations are organised bearing in mind the need to ensure a good dynamic within each delegation. Once a family has accepted the place their child was offered after selection, no change are possible. Indeed, if CISV London doesn’t send a full delegation a fine will be sent by CISV International. This will then have to be passed on to the family who is withdrawing from the camp.
Our flagship camp
• Age 11
• 21 or 28 days
Smaller regional camps (International)
• Age 12-13
• 8 or 15 days
Camps planned by staff & participants
• Age 14-15
• 23 days
Camps planned & run by participants
• Age 16-17
• 21 days
Local community projects
• For all ages
• Up to 12 months
Not a member yet?
Want to try a 2 days programme first?
Check out your last Mini-camp programme:
If the minicamp is sold out, you can access our waiting list here.
All these programmes are organised and run by dedicated volunteers. We aim to help our participants of all ages to develop the skills they need to take a lead and make positive difference. At the heart of everything we do is friendship, in line with our founding belief that peace is possible through friendship and mutual understanding.
Any questions?
We’d be happy to help